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Alex Scott is one of the UK’s leading independent business consultants in the field of Printing, Copying and Document Management. He has worked in the industry for 40 years and has seen many changes in that time.
He is Co-founder, Director and Senior Consultant with Wyse Solutions, the UK’s leading independent Document Management Consultancy & Auditing firm, servicing organisations with over £1m spend in print and document management.
Alex writes for journals, speaks at business events about change and its associated implications and works closely with The Business Board as our print sector specialist.
His latest white paper report looks at some of the ways the Covid 19 pandemic has affected the print industry including:
• Over 50% of the print sector operating at less than 50% capacity
• As a result of the pandemic, many businesses are reviewing their operations and looking to ‘pivot’ or diversify their offerings thus resulting in increased investment in new machinery / presses / software and processes leading to more automation
• Phase 4 of the eased lockdown measures (i.e. full return to work for most companies) will present liquidity, confidence, and investment as the biggest challenges
You can download Alex’s latest article on the current state of the print sector below.