The question is how quickly can you turn the opportunity into profit.
How mature is the market you are entering ?
Do we produce or outsource ?
A new department will take up space (& rates , utilities) , machinery capital costs, specialist labour and being beholden to those few employees in specialist roles.
How long will it take to fill the capacity you need ? Unfortunately, you’ll experience inefficiencies while going through the learning process of a new area.
We target each market sector from as diverse as Bread making to Printing.
Often the stages are the same :
• Produce a breakdown of sales and costs by department and product area – a good department head should know this and indeed be measured/rewarded on it.
• Calculate your capacity and time taken to process the work.
• Determine if the product/service is a core competence that should remain in house
• Model your company against a successful competitor, is it a realistic target to emulate them.
Once it is clear – the solution is to outsource :
• Select the suppliers first and try out their services, this can be done confidentially.
• Work can often be bought in at a cheaper direct cost, due to suppliers machinery, specific expertise, efficiencies and location.
• Redeploy the employees, or offer sales jobs – potentially production people can make some of the best sales people due to their product understanding.
• Sell machinery, free up space, sublet it or rent less , to generate cash and save on the overhead.
How we help in the printing industry ?
• Select from our list of registered suppliers (outside your local area) and ask for some referrals:
• Pay only for the work done and no down time. It will give you set / clear margins.
• Increase your sales capacity and incentivise on success. More sales resource can only help turnover
• In addition to the numbers of dealers / resellers try and maximise the price by selling direct to end users on the kit exchange:
• Advertise to sub let your property FOC on the property pages
Some of the most successful printers don’t print ! They outsource their work and focus on the customers.
If you have a mailing, finishing or production department you are looking to de-commission, we have the exact team to help.
Please call 0845 337 3327