Trading internationally creates many opportunities for UK businesses but is not without it’s challenges and perhaps most problematic is cash-flow.
Export finance exists to support businesses that may already be trading overseas or businesses that have identified international opportunities they would like to capitalise on.
By releasing the value of your outstanding invoices you can enhance your cash-flow in order to maximise the opportunities available to you.
In broad terms, as an exporter you may need finance to:
• Pay for resources to fulfil an order
• Fill the gap between delivering a good or service and being paid for it
• Tender for a large project
• Market your product or service
• Visit overseas markets
• Research and development (R&D) to make your product suitable for export
There are many financial products available to raise money to export. The right financial product will depend on what it’s for and the size and stage of your business.
You can either borrow money or get someone to invest in your business (also known as raising equity).
Export Finance gives you the confidence to grow. Whether it is immediate funding, so you are paid sooner for completed orders, cashflow to fulfil export orders, or reducing the risk of currency fluctuations. Export specialists can also help you to overcome the complexities of selling internationally by providing language, currency, time zone and legal support.
If you are interested in finding out more about our Export Finance Solutions, email us at: or call our office on 0118 338 1818.
We look forward to speaking with you.